Innovations by Yoast: Hackatons
Every six weeks (check) we have a hackathon-day. During this day, all developers work together on a specific project. We have a couple of different development teams at Yoast, but during the hackathon, we are all working together.

We have three different types of hackathons:
- Pressure cooker – achieving a common goal before the end of the day, usually building a prototype.
- Technology exploration – gaining experience with and knowledge about a technology that we don’t use regularly during daily programming tasks.
- Freeform playground – picking a technology to play with for a day to build something cool.
During a hackathon, the developers are split up in pairs to work on a specific task or project together. At the end of the day, we present the end results and experiences gained during the work.
Not per se an innovation at itself, but the output often is!