Free WordPress block editor training

  • Learn how to create amazing content with the WordPress block editor
  • Find out how to easily switch from the classic editor to the block editor
  • Plus: learn all about the future of project Gutenberg

WordPress block editor training

  • Learn all about creating content with the block editor
  • Find out how to switch to the block editor
  • Learn how to optimize your content for search engines
  • Easy access through MyYoast and Yoast SEO academy

Yoast SEO Premium + Academy

$99 / year
  • Unlock access to all Yoast SEO academy courses
  • Also includes the Yoast SEO Premium plugin
  • Be first to get new features & tools, before everyone else
  • Learn to do SEO yourself
  • Improve your rankings right away
Get Yoast SEO Premium Only $99 / year (ex VAT)

Learn how to create block-tastic content

Chances are you’ve heard about the new WordPress editor: the block editor. This new block editor brings a completely different approach to creating content in the form of blocks. In this free Block editor course, you’ll learn exactly how to use these blocks to their fullest potential. Using practical screencasts and assignments, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a well-designed blog post with the block editor. Furthermore, you’ll hear what’s projected for the future of project Gutenberg – the project the block editor is part of – so you’ll be prepared for the incredibly exciting developments in the WordPress world.

After this free training…

  • you’ll know what the block editor is and why you should be using it;
  • you’ll be able to use the block editor – you’ll know how to add, move, group, transform, reuse and edit blocks;
  • you’ll be able to publish a post using the block editor;
  • you’ll know how to add more blocks – and thus functionalities – to the block editor;
  • you’ll know what you should pay attention to when transitioning from the classic editor;
  • you’ll know everything about the future of the block editor – or project Gutenberg, like the goal of the project and the plans that have been announced.

How is the course set up?

The Block editor training is a hands-on and practical training course that consists of three modules. 

In the first module, you’ll learn what the block editor is, why it was created, and why you should be using it.

Then, in the second module, you’ll learn how to use the block editor: how to add, move, transform, group, reuse, and edit blocks. What’s more, you’ll learn how to publish a post using the block editor and how to add more blocks – and thus: functionalities – to the block editor.

In the third and final module, you’ll learn how to switch from the classic editor to the new block editor and what you should pay attention to when transitioning. You’ll also learn everything about the future of the block editor – or project Gutenberg, like the goal of the project and the plans that have been announced.

What’s included in this free Block editor training?

You get unlimited access to all of this course content, for free:

  • 2 hours of instructional videos, sliced into 16 bite-sized clips
  • PDF files so you can easily check the tips again while working on your website
  • quizzes and practical assignments to train what you’ve learned
  • a cheat sheet with block editor vocabulary

Do you want to learn how to make your content rank high in the search results? Check out Yoast SEO Premium to learn all about keyword research, SEO copywriting, structured data, and more!

Who teaches this training?

All content for this course is created by the SEO and WordPress experts at Yoast:

  • they’re the creators of the #1 SEO plugin for WordPress worldwide;
  • combined, they have over a 100 years of WordPress experience;
  • companies such as Facebook, eBay, and The Guardian rely on Yoast for their SEO strategies.

Show off your Block editor skills

Once you’ve finished the training, you’ll get a Yoast certificate and a badge you can display on your website. The badge only appears when you’ve actually completed the course, so not just anyone can use it. Add the certificate to your resume, your LinkedIn profile or use it to get that raise you deserve.


This free WordPress block editor training is for you if:

  • you want to start creating great content in the block editor;
  • you want to leverage all the possibilities of the block editor
  • you want to transition from the classic editor to the block editor;
  • you want to know everything about the future of the block editor;

Check out our other free courses too!

Currently, we offer the following free Yoast SEO academy courses. 

  • SEO for beginners training
    Learn the basics of SEO and get quick wins to make your site rank higher.
  • Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin training
    Learn about how to set up and use the Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin so it makes SEO even easier.
  • WordPress for beginners training
    Learn the ins and outs of creating and maintaining a WordPress website.
  • Block editor training
    Learn how to create block-tastic content with the WordPress block editor.
  • Structured data for beginners training
    Learn how to get attention-grabbing rich results that stand out in the search results!

Want to become an SEO expert?

This free SEO course is just the tip of the iceberg. When you purchase Yoast SEO Premium, not only do you unlock all its premium SEO optimization features, you also gain access to all courses in the Yoast SEO academy!

Get Yoast SEO Premium Get the #1 SEO plugin!

How much time do I need for this free Block editor training?

Want to refresh what you already know? You can watch all the videos in under 2 hours.

Are you new to the block editor and willing to dig in deep? If you watch all videos, read all reading materials and ace all quizzes, you’ll be an expert in 7 to 9 hours

Worried about taking too long? No problem: you set your own pace and you have unlimited access to this course. Take your time!