
This site runs on WordPress and customizing and SEO-ing is a constant process, so we blog about that quite often. After all, good SEO on this blog makes for lots of visitors, which is exactly what we want of course. We write about our WordPress plugins, WordPress updates in general, and how to optimize your WordPress site.

Beginners level

What is WordPress? »

WordPress is very important to Yoast. But what is WordPress? Here, you'll find all you need to know about this Content Management System.

Expert level

WordPress SEO: the definitive guide »

Want higher rankings? This is THE tutorial you need to hugely increase your search engine traffic by improving your WordPress SEO.

Must read articles about WordPress

Recent WordPress articles

Discover the new features and improvements in WordPress 6.6, including enhanced site editing and preview capabilities!

Yoast SEO will no longer support PHP versions 7.2 and 7.3 from November 1st, 2024. Are you wondering why? Read more about it here!

Optimize your product page SEO with a focus keyphrase. This guide explains how to choose and utilize the correct focus keyphrase using Yoast SEO for better search engine visibility.

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