Avatar of Cindy Paul

Cindy Paul

Hi, nice to meet you! I’m Cindy, a content manager at Yoast.

I’ve always loved languages, but English holds a special place in my heart. That’s why I took a job as a copywriter and translator. I did a little bit of everything: blogs, social media posts, emails, interviews. I love writing in all its shapes and sizes.

I’m excited to write for Yoast, and I hope you’ll enjoy the blogs I write. Hopefully, you’ll learn a thing or two!

Are social media platforms becoming the new search engines?

8 June 2023 | 2 Comments Cindy Paul

When you think about searching online, do you picture the Google search bar, or the TikTok search bar? If it’s the former, you might be behind on the trends. Because while you’re optimizing your content for Google, younger generations are turning to social media to search for information. Almost 40% in fact. But should this […]

Read: "Are social media platforms becoming the new search engines?"
Are social media platforms becoming the new search engines?

Are we digging our own hole with generative AI?

10 May 2023 | 7 Comments Cindy Paul

Artificial intelligence (AI) is all the rage right now. Some say it’s started a technological revolution, and AI will improve our lives. But generative AI tools are only as good as the data they’re fed. And have we truly considered the implications of a world where people generate content instead of creating it themselves? What […]

Read: "Are we digging our own hole with generative AI?"
Are we digging our own hole with generative AI?

Write more inclusively: 7 examples of inclusive language

19 January 2023 | 4 Comments Cindy Paul

So you want to write more inclusively? Great! That means more people will feel welcome when they read your content, and you won’t accidentally exclude them. But if that’s not enough reason, just think how many more people will engage with your content if you involve them and make your content relatable to them! So, […]

Read: "Write more inclusively: 7 examples of inclusive language"
Write more inclusively: 7 examples of inclusive language

UX copywriting: 5 writing tips to improve user experience

18 October 2022 Cindy Paul

At Yoast, we often advise that you should write for your users and not yourself. Why? Because they’re the ones who visit your site and read your content. But did you know there’s a specific type of writing that focuses solely on creating a good user experience? It’s called UX copywriting. In this blog, we’ll […]

Read: "UX copywriting: 5 writing tips to improve user experience"
UX copywriting: 5 writing tips to improve user experience