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Recent Site structure articles

Taxonomy SEO: How to optimize your categories and tags

We often encounter sites with category and tag structures that are completely unmanaged. Even large news sites can suffer from overusage of tags and categories. Tags and categories are both examples of a taxonomy system. When used correctly, a good taxonomy system can boost your site’s SEO. The opposite is also true: when used wrong, …

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Taxonomy SEO: How to optimize your categories and tags

Your website needs SEO maintenance!

2 December 2021 Marieke van de Rakt

In order for a website to be successful, you need to have traffic going to it. You need an audience! That’s why SEO is so very important. Unfortunately, a lot of aspects of SEO are hard work. Kind of boring even. And although these SEO tasks can be boring, your website needs you to execute them. Your website needs SEO love. I am …

Read: "Your website needs SEO maintenance!"
Your website needs SEO maintenance!

Content maintenance strategy: 6 tips for a cleaner website

11 November 2021 | 11 Comments Willemien Hallebeek

If you’ve been working on your website for a couple of years, chances are that your website has become a giant collection of posts and pages. When writing a post you might find out you’ve already written a similar article (maybe even twice) or you might get a feeling that you’ve written something related that …

Read: "Content maintenance strategy: 6 tips for a cleaner website"
Content maintenance strategy: 6 tips for a cleaner website

Why focus on long-tail keywords?

22 September 2021 | 4 Comments Marieke van de Rakt

Focusing on long-tail keywords is a great SEO tactic. Long-tail keywords are keywords or keyphrases that are more specific – and usually longer – than more commonly used keywords. Long-tail keywords get less search traffic, but will usually have a higher conversion value, as they are more specific. They allow you to gradually get more traffic …

Read: "Why focus on long-tail keywords?"
Why focus on long-tail keywords?

Yoast Summer School 2021: A recap of the best bits

19 August 2021 Amy Lees

This year we held our first ever Yoast SEO Summer School, a series of 4 interactive online workshops with our in-house experts. We’ve been talking about SEO essentials like making great content, site structure, inbound marketing and rich results, and answering your questions on those topics too. It’s been fantastic seeing over 6,500 of you …

Read: "Yoast Summer School 2021: A recap of the best bits"
Yoast Summer School 2021: A recap of the best bits

Yoast SEO 16.9: An SEO workout to clean up your content

10 August 2021 Willemien Hallebeek

If you want your pages to rank high in the search engines you need to keep your website fit. One way to keep your site in shape is to clean it up regularly; get rid of old, outdated content, and brush up those hidden gems you might have forgotten about, and put them in the …

Read: "Yoast SEO 16.9: An SEO workout to clean up your content"
Yoast SEO 16.9: An SEO workout to clean up your content

Do the SEO workout to rank higher with your best content

30 June 2021 | 2 Comments Marieke van de Rakt

Are you ranking with the content you want to rank with? With your very best content? The content you’re the proudest of? When you’re doing SEO, you want your best posts and pages to be the ones that get the most attention. But that’s not easy at all! How do you make sure that your …

Read: "Do the SEO workout to rank higher with your best content"
Do the SEO workout to rank higher with your best content