WordPress SEO Premium 1.0

We’re very proud to bring this release to you today: WordPress SEO premium 1.0 is here. This premium version adds a redirect module to the WordPress SEO plugin that allows you to manage your redirects from within your WordPress installation. It also allows you to retrieve your site’s crawl errors from Google Search Console and fix those immediately with that redirect functionality.

If you’d already bought the premium plugin, you’ll receive an email soon with a download link.

Fix your site’s crawl errors easily

The combination of being able to retrieve Google’s crawl errors and the tool to fix them is something I’ve long wanted to combine into one. I’ve been annoyed for ages with the need to log into Google Search Console, look at the errors and then write redirects which went into my servers config file. It can be a tedious process and writing redirects is not everybody’s forte.

I’ve used several plugins to do redirects but none of them really worked, especially as, when your site gets older and bigger, you’ll end up with more and more redirects. Which is why we came up with a scalable redirection solution. Look how easy it is:

WordPress SEO Premium: easily redirect / fix GWT errors

Scalable redirect solution

You have two options when using the WordPress SEO Premium plugins redirect module: you can have it do the redirects for you, or you can have it write a file that you can then include in your server config files or even your .htaccess. Doing the latter means that the redirects will be faster, which is especially useful if you have a lot of them, while still allowing you to maintain them in an easy, WordPress like interface:

Wordpress SEO Premium: redirects manager

More is to come!

We’ve got a lot more plans for the WordPress SEO Premium plugin (and for the core WordPress SEO plugin for that matter), so more is definitely to come. Those of you who’ve followed our WordPress SEO github will have noticed that Barry, our new senior developer, has been going all over the place fixing errors, which has lead to a number of releases of the last few weeks.

I’m very excited about this new release, I hope you will be to!

Want to buy the WordPress SEO Premium plugin? Well you can! For as little as $89 for a single site, you’ll get 1 year of upgrades (and new features) and access to our support team:

Let us know what you think!

Coming up next!

69 Responses to WordPress SEO Premium 1.0

  1. Sii Cockerill
    Sii Cockerill  • 11 years ago

    Hi Joost,
    Will the single site licence let me use the plugin on my local.* and staging.* versions of my client’s site?
    It’s important that I can style up breadcrumbs and test the plugin before I add it to the live site.

    • Joost de Valk

      You can deactivate the license on one site and move it to another, so that shouldn’t be a problem :)

      • Sii Cockerill
        Sii Cockerill  • 11 years ago

        Is there any benefit in me using the premium version on development or staging servers? Or would I be just as well to install the standard version on those and keep the premium on live?

        Does the premium version overwrite the standard one or does it sit alongside it? (Thinking about git repo and deployment).

        • Joost de Valk

          The premium version goes in place of the standard one and uses the same options.

  2. Natacha
    Natacha  • 11 years ago

    Ok, thanks for getting back to me!
    I await this update many thanks! For now we have to edit the .htaccess directly, but would love to use the plugin for this purpose.


  3. Natacha
    Natacha  • 11 years ago

    ** Is it possible to use wildcards in the URL redirects?
    We have purchased your Premium SEO plugin but cannot work out how. If it is possible can you provide an example? I am assuming it is not possible which renders the premium version not all that ultimately useful.

    Also, If you are selling plugins now, it would be helpful to have a support forum, or an idea on how to contact you with support requests.

    This post is the only place I could find and it’s probably not all that suitable!

    • Joost de Valk

      Hi Natacha,

      that’s not possible now but will be soon, we’re working on it.

      You can, of course, reach us for support, if you read the purchase email there’s all the contact info you need to know. Just replying to that purchase email will land in our support box too :)

  4. Mattia Boero
    Mattia Boero  • 11 years ago

    Dear Yoast, I’m an old wordpress seo user and now a fresh one wordpress seo premium user.

    I have 2 problem, I cant activate my license key and since I’m using wp seo premium I have some issue on xml sitemap about category and tags URL, now they are displayed like http://www.mattiaboero.net/?cat=306 and not by name and the tags are displayed http://www.mattiaboero.net/?tag=andreas-gursky.

    There is any advice for my problems (I have already sent you some emails, I do not want to put you under pressure because I think you’re overworked, I just want to know if it is something fixable)?

    Thanks, M.

  5. Angelos Kyritsis
    Angelos Kyritsis  • 11 years ago

    Hi Joost,

    I have a problem with the premium plugin and the Webmaster Tools section, both in version 1.0.0 and version 1.0.1

    The first time I can access the webmasters tools page just fine. However, as soon as I enter the Google authentication code, the webmaster tools page always leads to a 404 page.

    I have been talking with Taco Verdonschot and Barry Kooij since January 24, gave them admin access to my site too, but they still couldn’t come up with a solution.

    According to my hosting company, the error logs show the following error on trying to access the webmaster tools page:

    [Mon Feb 03 12:09:53 2014] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: index.php, referer: http://www.pcsteps.gr/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo-premium/css/yst_plugin_tools.css?ver=1.4.22

    [Mon Feb 03 12:09:53 2014] [warn] [client] (104)Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server, referer: http://www.pcsteps.gr/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo-premium/css/yst_plugin_tools.css?ver=1.4.22

    [Mon Feb 03 12:10:40 2014] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: read data timeout in 40 seconds, referer: http://www.pcsteps.gr/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpseo_redirects

    Any ideas are welcome, because there have been two weeks that I bought the plugin, solely for the webmaster tools integration, and I haven’t been able to use it once…


    Angelos Kyritsis

    • Angelos Kyritsis
      Angelos Kyritsis  • 11 years ago

      After much frustration, I reset the WordPress SEO settings to default, and now the Webmaster Tools work fine.

      No idea what was the problem, though…

  6. Michael Nordmeyer
    Michael Nordmeyer  • 11 years ago

    Joost, are you aware your images in this post are retina images which are displayed hugely on non-retina displays? Especially the first one.

  7. Rica
    Rica  • 11 years ago


    Congrats on your launch, it really is a great product (as it includes the fantastic free version of it).

    One question: Will you consider making either a new plugin or a buyable package of your most important plugins? Something like an AIO (or Ultimate) SEO plugin, that should include I hope the Premium version, and also Local, Video and Woocommerce funtionalities at a more affordable price (hint: 149 $ sounds nice :D )

    Thank you in advance :)

  8. Morris
    Morris  • 11 years ago

    I purchased the premium version today. However when I try to use the Webmaster Tools section, i get this error message: ” Fatal error: Call to undefined method DateTime::getTimestamp() in /home4/england/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo-premium/premium/classes/admin/class-crawl-issue.php on line 152″.
    Is there a way I can fix that?

    • Joost de Valk

      We’ve just fixed this in release 1.0.1 :)

  9. Anand Khanse
    Anand Khanse  • 11 years ago

    Thanks Joost, will take it up with Support. :)

  10. Anand Khanse
    Anand Khanse  • 11 years ago

    I wish to give feedback:

    1] I added many redirects but many did not appear in the ‘Redirects section’. I must have added 50 Redirects, but I see only 20 now – only the one’s I added manually via the ‘Redirects section’. In fact I think none of the Redirects I had done using the ‘Create redirect’ button under your ‘Webmaster Tools section’ have been saved. I used to see 5 pages, but when I clicked on Page No. 2 or 3, no redirects were shown. Any ideas?

    2] Once I add a redirect, I would like to see a confirmation Redirect added. A column mentioning this status would also be nice.

    3] Wish I could manually import Redirects from the Redirection plugin.

    • Joost de Valk

      Hey Anand,

      feedback noted. There should be a confirmation when you add a redirect already, could you ping our support team by email and see why you’re not getting that? As for the 50 added / 20 shown bug, that’s weird, we’ll try to replicate, I’ve got more than 20 myself and don’t have that issue.

      Lastly, as for Redirection import: that’s *definitely* coming, it’s one of our main priorities for 1.1.

  11. Martin
    Martin  • 11 years ago

    I have reviewed the plugin on my site, hope that is of interest to some.


  12. Steven Bell
    Steven Bell  • 11 years ago

    Looking forward to using this….. esp the feature to fix crawl errors.
    Well done Joost!!

  13. saman zahid
    saman zahid  • 11 years ago

    Congratulation on the new seo plugin for the web crawl errors. It’s a great plugin to find out the crawl errors and fix them. To improve the website credibility with on-page seo, off-page seo is also very important. The social media marketing is a great source for the increase in online visibility. Thank you for sharing such a useful information.

  14. Lokesh Reddy
    Lokesh Reddy  • 11 years ago

    Congrats on the new launch.. and good news for us
    Shall we use single license for multiple sites?

  15. Scott Hendison
    Scott Hendison  • 11 years ago

    Redirecting posts or pages in the edit screen or using the built in .htaccess editor is all I need in most cases, although I realize this new addition is more scaleable. the Webmaster Tools addition sounds nice too, but not really a compelling reason for me to go to the paid version…

    Why not just keep developing the plugin and making it better all the time, but remove the import / export feature from the free version? That would basically force us commercial users to pay for the best feature (IMO) which is the time saving aspect…

  16. Anchit Shethia
    Anchit Shethia  • 11 years ago

    For fixing crawl errors, a free plugin “Redirection” is also available and does a great job. I am confused if what would make me buy something premium when the work can be done for free. Please clarify, it would be great help.

  17. Samantha
    Samantha  • 11 years ago

    Does the redirect portion of you plugin work like Link juice keeper? Meaning instead of throwing a 404 error it redirects to the home page or do i have to manually know which pages are throwing the errors. I currently use a series of plugins and .htacess hacks to accomplish this. It would be awesome to have it handle all in one.

  18. Wassim
    Wassim  • 11 years ago

    I’m also curious about the differences between the free and paid versions besides the GWT integration and the redirect function. I think that both features doesn’t justify that price tag.

    Good luck with the sales anyway :)

    • Joost de Valk

      Those two are it, for now, combined of course with support from our team, which free users don’t get. If you think it doesn’t justify the price tag, don’t buy it :) We think it does, and judging by our sales, so do many people :)

  19. Ravi Verma
    Ravi Verma  • 11 years ago

    A little bit late, But I’d like to congrats you Joost for the launch of this premium version of WordPress SEO.

  20. Monitance
    Monitance  • 11 years ago

    Looks great, congrats!

  21. Grant
    Grant  • 11 years ago

    I have WP Multi Site, am I able to use a single license for just one of my sites?

  22. Chris
    Chris  • 11 years ago

    Hey Joost,

    how do the redirects work? Will the redirect be added to the .htaccess. Or will they be triggered when wordpress itself would report a 404 and a 301 is send instead if the URL in question is entered in the yoast backend?


  23. Alec Bertram
    Alec Bertram  • 11 years ago

    Any chance that you could write a module to go through all posts/pages/CPTs to rewrite old links to the new ones? Even outputing a list of posts which have dead/redirecting links would be useful for webmasters without access to a scraper/grepper

  24. Thibaud
    Thibaud  • 11 years ago

    Should I desactivate the plugin “404 to Start”. It redirect my 404 to my home page.. Will I manage redirect with “redirection”

  25. SEO4.net
    SEO4.net  • 11 years ago

    We love to test new solutions and plugins both for wordpress like for magento. Congratulations! I think many people find this plugin very useful. And I’m waiting for a seasonal sale :)

  26. Martin
    Martin  • 11 years ago

    Interesting. Is there a way to import Redirection “redirections”? If not, how would you suggest this to be handled on a site that has thousands of redirection rules already configured in the Redirection plugin?

    • Joost de Valk

      We’ve got a Redirection import module on our roadmap, so don’t fret and just wait a bit :)

      • Thibaud
        Thibaud  • 11 years ago

        Good news, I need to export from “Redirection” lugin too.

  27. Rahul Bansal
    Rahul Bansal  • 11 years ago

    Nginx part seems nice. Can you please clarify if its redirect config file is using nginx map module or simple rewrite lines?

    Does rewrite supports regex?

    How adding a new redirect is handled by nginx? Because any config change needs nginx reload.

    Also, is there any importer for “Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin” or other wordpress plugin?

    And finally, since we really want to use anything by Yoast, we buy premium version, can we send a pull request? Specially for importing from “Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin”.

    • Joost de Valk

      They’re simple rewrites. We don’t have importers yet but we’ll look into those, patches for those are of course welcome :)

      • Jaki Levy
        Jaki Levy  • 11 years ago

        I’m imagining this feature (Nginx export) would be very handy for WP Engine users. WP Engine and several others hosts don’t play well with redirects that are not done through their hosting portal.

      • Rahul Bansal
        Rahul Bansal  • 11 years ago

        Thanks for reply. I guess, I can give it a try definitely. :-)

        Nginx based redirects will be definitely faster.

  28. Ahmad Awais
    Ahmad Awais  • 11 years ago

    Congrats on launch of Premium Yoast SEO.
    Is there any affiliate program?

    • Joost de Valk

      Yes, we have an affiliate program, contact us for details. We don’t let everyone in though, to be honest.

  29. Haider
    Haider  • 11 years ago

    Nice move. I think it has to be “too” in “I’m very excited about this new release, I hope you will be to!”. Typo :)

  30. Pramod
    Pramod  • 11 years ago

    Nice update Joost !
    Modifying htaccess file to include the redirects is the most interesting feature of this plugin . This feature will make redirects much faster than other plugins that makes use of PHP code to perform redirects.

  31. Brin
    Brin  • 11 years ago

    Hiya, I’m currently using the Redirection plugin (mainly for affiliate links) by John Godley and am willing to change to Yoast Premium 1.0 (I already use – and love – Yoast SEO of course) if you can tell me why your redirection functionality is better? Thks

    • Joost de Valk

      Especially if you have a lot of them, our method of having the webserver do them is much, much faster.

      • Brin
        Brin  • 11 years ago

        Thanks for the reply Joost – so the main benefit is it’s faster! Well, we all know how important speed is – I’ll give it some serious consideration. Keep up the great work! :)

  32. Bang Vero
    Bang Vero  • 11 years ago

    congratulations on the publication of a new version of your plugin, my plugin you are a new user, so I would learn that the free version first before I step up to the premium version

  33. Heather Wood
    Heather Wood  • 11 years ago

    My client recently changed a permalink on his website, causing an error. I changed the permalink it back to the way it was before. Will the changing of permalinks several times effect SEO if it was done within a a few weeks of each other? Should I have not changed it back?

    • Joost de Valk

      Well… It depends, really.Changing a URL without doing a redirect though is not a good idea.

  34. Robin
    Robin  • 11 years ago

    I was reading about the pricing structure, and was wondering if there is any provision to go above 20 sites and how much its going to cost.

    • Brandon Himpfen
      Brandon Himpfen  • 11 years ago

      On the right side of the “Buy Now!” button, there is a “Bulk pricing starts at $699” link. Click on it, it’ll take you to a bulk pricing page, where you can buy up to 100 sites.

      • Joost de Valk

        And if you need more than that, contact us :) Thanks Brandon!

  35. Scott
    Scott  • 11 years ago

    Aside from the redirect feature and the WMT integration, what’s the difference between the free version and the premium? Is there a feature comparison chart? If you buy the premium and install where the free was already active, do the settings remain in place?

    • Barry Kooij
      Barry Kooij  • 11 years ago

      Hey Scott,

      If you install the premium version where the free is already active all settings will remain in place.

  36. Ross Taylor
    Ross Taylor  • 11 years ago

    As a longtime user of your free SEO Plugin and paid subscriber of your SEO Video plugin, I’ll definitely be getting this. The redirect function looks exciting… one thing I’m having a hell of a time with lately is setting 410’s on certain pages in WP. New versions of WP seem to insist on finding a similar page to redirect to even after a 410 has been set. Would love to see that built in and working, if you’re taking any requests.

  37. Kyle
    Kyle  • 11 years ago

    How do I UNlink a GWT account? (I liked the wrong one).

    • Joost de Valk

      It’s a bit hard, right now, to be honest. We’ll definitely make this easier for a future release. You have to go into your options table right now and delete the wpseo-premium-gwt-refresh_token option, that’ll do it.

      • Pete Mall
        Pete Mall  • 11 years ago

        Should be able to do set it to ” easily at /wp-admin/options.php

        • Joost de Valk

          Thanks Pete, that’s actually a good point!

  38. Simon Vreeman
    Simon Vreeman  • 11 years ago

    Congrats with the release!
    It would be cool if you could use Regex in this redirect module.

    • Joost de Valk

      We’re planning on that, give us a few weeks. Takes a bit more testing :)

  39. Wilton Calderon
    Wilton Calderon  • 11 years ago

    Congrats on this new seo plugin,i been using the free version for years ,and i happy to move to this version,it will help my site to be more seo for search engine,,,keep up the good work.

  40. Adam Lurie
    Adam Lurie  • 11 years ago

    Hi Joost , Congratulations on the new product I am not surprised you have gone premium and I am very pleased that you have gone with a premium version of what I believe is and has been the best free plugin on WordPress to date, hats off to you sir! I have always been a great fan of your SEO plugin but I should mention I had issues recently for the first time ever with the free plugin I believe it was to do with the wordpress update to version 3.8, it was such a big issues I and had to deactivate and switch to another SEO plugin, I only experienced this issue on 2 sites all other sites no problem, I am surprised that no other reports of this issue was raised and it was not documented anywhere when I Google searched it. I did however find a video of you giving a talk to WordPress developers and you touched on the subject of providing support for a free plugin and quite rightly how there is no support, hence I didn’t not report, Best of luck with the premium version hope you can match the number of downloads for the free version, 7,898,475. Respect!

    • Joost de Valk

      Adam if you can reproduce the bug, bug reports are always welcome on github…

  41. Dawn Smith
    Dawn Smith  • 11 years ago

    AMAZING. I’m so excited about this!
    Does it support bulk importing or regex? Both would be so handy.

  42. Dave Eddy
    Dave Eddy  • 11 years ago

    Wow, looks great! I’m going to find that redirection feature very handy. Thanks!

  43. Scott Wyden Kivowitz
    Scott Wyden Kivowitz  • 11 years ago

    Congrats on the launch. The premium product looks amazing so far and I can’t wait to see what else is in the works.